Terms and Conditions for Participating in the CDC Vouchers Scheme
As of Mar 2025
By taking part in the Scheme (including any future tranches of the Scheme announced by the government), you agree to be legally bound by the Terms and Conditions below, and any changes that may be made from time to time.
The Scheme may also include other nationwide voucher schemes run by the government or other government agencies. The Terms and Conditions below will also apply to those schemes for the specified duration, as follows:
a) In clauses 2 to 7, references to “CDC Vouchers” or “vouchers” will include the vouchers issued under the nationwide voucher scheme; and
b) In clauses 6, 7 and 11, references to the “People’s Association”, “PA” or “PA (through the CDCs)” will include the government or government agency administering the nationwide voucher scheme.
You will be informed of any changes to these Terms and Conditions.
1 The CDC Vouchers decal (which is included in the welcome kit) must be prominently displayed at your store front immediately upon receipt of the welcome kit for the entire duration of your participation in the Scheme. Your store displaying the CDC Vouchers decal will be referred to as “Premises” in these Terms and Conditions.
2 Upon display of the CDC Vouchers decal, you agree to accept all vouchers presented by voucher holders (i.e. residents), and must not restrict or limit the days or hours in which CDC Vouchers are accepted at your Premises.
3 The Scheme is in a digital format where vouchers in the form of QR codes will be presented by voucher holders (i.e. residents) to you for redemption. Before accepting a digital voucher for redemption, you must use your best endeavours to ensure that all voucher redemptions comply with the following terms and conditions:
(a) vouchers cannot be used for purchase of lottery products, petrol, diesel, alcohol or cigarettes;
(b) vouchers are not exchangeable for cash or gift vouchers and are not for resale;
(c) multiple vouchers may be used in a single transaction;
(d) any unused amount/value in a voucher is not refundable; and
(e) once the voucher expires, it cannot be renewed. The expiry date cannot be changed.
4 Some voucher holders (i.e. residents) may present hardcopy printouts of the digital vouchers for redemption. In such cases, you will use your best endeavours to ensure that no expired, defaced, damaged, stolen, duplicate or counterfeit voucher printouts are accepted for redemption.
5 Redemptions of vouchers will be done through the RedeemSG Merchant application. Your use of the RedeemSG Merchant application is subject to and governed by a separate set of terms and conditions which can be found on the RedeemSG Merchant application and at https://redeem.gov.sg. You will receive reimbursements for redeemed vouchers via PayNow (or such other similar online banking mode) 1 day after the redemption is recorded in the RedeemSG application.
6 If any redeemed voucher is found to be misused, stolen, forged, damaged, defaced or otherwise tampered with, People’s Association (“PA”) reserves the right not to make any payment or recover from you (as the case may be) the payment made in respect of the voucher(s) in question.
7 If any participating merchant/hawker is found to have misused, forged, damaged, defaced or otherwise tampered with any voucher or voucher printout, the participating merchant/hawker shall be liable to pay PA (through the CDCs) the value of such voucher(s) and such other loss suffered by PA as a result of the participating merchant/hawker’s actions.
8 Any misuse/tampering/forgery of vouchers may constitute a criminal offence and the offender will be liable for prosecution.
9 All data including business contact information (as defined in the Personal Data Protection Act 2012) and personal data (if any) collected will be used and disclosed to other government agencies (such as Govtech) for the purposes of administering the Scheme. While we only require your business contact information (such as the bank account details, contact information and UEN used by your business), we may accept your personal information (such as your NRIC No.), should you choose to provide such information to us in lieu of your business contact information.
10 As a merchant/hawker participating in the Scheme you agree that you will not, and will ensure that your employees do not, carry out any activity at your Premises which is illegal, immoral, discriminatory, offensive or which may otherwise bring the Scheme and/or PA into disrepute. PA reserves the right to take such immediate action as it deems fit in such an event.
11 Participating merchants/hawkers are responsible for resolving any issues or disputes that may arise between them and a voucher holder (i.e. resident). PA (as the voucher issuer) will not be responsible for resolving such issues or disputes, or for any claims, demands, losses, costs, expenses and/or liabilities of any kind whatsoever, arising from or in connection with any transaction or dealing between participating merchant/hawker and the voucher holder.
12 PA reserves the right to terminate Your participation in the Scheme at any time without prior written notice. PA shall not be liable to you for any damages or compensation as a result of such termination. PA shall also not be required to give any reason for such termination. Your participation in the Scheme shall cease on the date stated in the written notice and you must remove the CDC Vouchers decal from your Premise on the same date.
13 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.